122 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Random Linear Network Coding in Two-Source Single-Relay Networks

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    This paper considers the multiple-access relay channel in a setting where two source nodes transmit packets to a destination node, both directly and via a relay node, over packet erasure channels. Intra-session network coding is used at the source nodes and inter-session network coding is employed at the relay node to combine the recovered source packets of both source nodes. In this work, we investigate the performance of the network-coded system in terms of the probability that the destination node will successfully recover the source packets of the two source nodes. We build our analysis on fundamental probability expressions for random matrices over finite fields and we derive upper bounds on the system performance for the case of systematic and non-systematic network coding. Simulation results show that the upper bounds are very tight and accurately predict the decoding probability at the destination node. Our analysis also exposes the clear benefits of systematic network coding at the source nodes compared to non-systematic transmission.Comment: Proc. ICC 2015, Workshop on Cooperative and Cognitive Mobile Networks (CoCoNet), to appea

    The impact of 5G channel models on the performance of intelligent reflecting surfaces and decode-and-forward relaying

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    An intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) is an array of discrete elements with configurable scattering properties. It has the capability to beamform arriving radio waves to an intended receiver, making it an attractive candidate technology for fifth-generation (5G) communications. A recent study debunked the notion that IRSs can replace relays because a large number of IRS elements is required even to approach the performance of simple single-antenna decode-and-forward (DF) relays. The study introduced 4G channel models into a theoretical framework to obtain simulation results, based on which comparisons between the two schemes were carried out. In this paper, we consider 5G channel models, reflect on the revised results, and argue that IRSs and DF relays can complement each other's strengths and can both have a place in 5G and beyond 5G architectures

    Resource Allocation Frameworks for Network-coded Layered Multimedia Multicast Services

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    The explosive growth of content-on-the-move, such as video streaming to mobile devices, has propelled research on multimedia broadcast and multicast schemes. Multi-rate transmission strategies have been proposed as a means of delivering layered services to users experiencing different downlink channel conditions. In this paper, we consider Point-to-Multipoint layered service delivery across a generic cellular system and improve it by applying different random linear network coding approaches. We derive packet error probability expressions and use them as performance metrics in the formulation of resource allocation frameworks. The aim of these frameworks is both the optimization of the transmission scheme and the minimization of the number of broadcast packets on each downlink channel, while offering service guarantees to a predetermined fraction of users. As a case of study, our proposed frameworks are then adapted to the LTE-A standard and the eMBMS technology. We focus on the delivery of a video service based on the H.264/SVC standard and demonstrate the advantages of layered network coding over multi-rate transmission. Furthermore, we establish that the choice of both the network coding technique and resource allocation method play a critical role on the network footprint, and the quality of each received video layer.Comment: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Fundamental Approaches to Network Coding in Wireless Communication Systems. To appea

    Binary Systematic Network Coding for Progressive Packet Decoding

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    We consider binary systematic network codes and investigate their capability of decoding a source message either in full or in part. We carry out a probability analysis, derive closed-form expressions for the decoding probability and show that systematic network coding outperforms conventional network coding. We also develop an algorithm based on Gaussian elimination that allows progressive decoding of source packets. Simulation results show that the proposed decoding algorithm can achieve the theoretical optimal performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate that systematic network codes equipped with the proposed algorithm are good candidates for progressive packet recovery owing to their overall decoding delay characteristics.Comment: Proc. of IEEE ICC 2015 - Communication Theory Symposium, to appea

    Rethinking the Intercept Probability of Random Linear Network Coding

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    This letter considers a network comprising a transmitter, which employs random linear network coding to encode a message, a legitimate receiver, which can recover the message if it gathers a sufficient number of linearly independent coded packets, and an eavesdropper. Closed-form expressions for the probability of the eavesdropper intercepting enough coded packets to recover the message are derived. Transmission with and without feedback is studied. Furthermore, an optimization model that minimizes the intercept probability under delay and reliability constraints is presented. Results validate the proposed analysis and quantify the secrecy gain offered by a feedback link from the legitimate receiver.Comment: IEEE Communications Letters, to appea

    Decoding delay performance of random linear network coding for broadcast

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    Characterization of the delay profile of systems employing random linear network coding is important for the reliable provision of broadcast services. Previous studies focused on network coding over large finite fields or developed Markov chains to model the delay distribution but did not look at the effect of transmission deadlines on the delay. In this work, we consider generations of source packets that are encoded and transmitted over the erasure broadcast channel. The transmission of packets associated to a generation is taken to be deadline-constrained, that is, the transmitter drops a generation and proceeds to the next one when a predetermined deadline expires. Closed-form expressions for the average number of required packet transmissions per generation are obtained in terms of the generation size, the field size, the erasure probability and the deadline choice. An upper bound on the average decoding delay, which is tighter than previous bounds found in the literature, is also derived. Analysis shows that the proposed framework can be used to fine-tune the system parameters and ascertain that neither insufficient nor excessive amounts of packets are sent over the broadcast channel

    Low Complexity Optimization of the Asymptotic Spectral Efficiency in Massive MIMO NOMA

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    Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology facilitates huge increases in the capacity of wireless channels, while non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) addresses the problem of limited resources in traditional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) techniques, promising enhanced spectral efficiency. This work uses asymptotic capacity computation results to reduce the complexity of a power allocation algorithm for small-scale MIMO-NOMA, so that it may be applied for systems with massive MIMO arrays. The proposed method maximizes the sum-capacity of the considered system, subject to power and performance constraints, and demonstrates greater accuracy than alternative approaches despite remaining low-complexity for arbitrarily large antenna arrays

    Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding of Network Coded Data Transmitted over Burst Error Channels

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    We consider a transmitter that encodes data packets using network coding and broadcasts coded packets. A receiver employing network decoding recovers the data packets if a sufficient number of error-free coded packets are gathered. The receiver does not abandon its efforts to recover the data packets if network decoding is unsuccessful; instead, it employs syndrome decoding (SD) in an effort to repair erroneous received coded packets, and then reattempts network decoding. Most decoding techniques, including SD, assume that errors are independently and identically distributed within received coded packets. Motivated by the guessing random additive noise decoding (GRAND) framework, we propose transversal GRAND (T-GRAND): an algorithm that exploits statistical dependence in the occurrence of errors, complements network decoding and recovers all data packets with a higher probability than SD. T-GRAND examines error vectors in order of their likelihood of occurring and altering the transmitted packets. Calculation and sorting of the likelihood values of all error vectors is a simple but computationally expensive process. To reduce the complexity of T-GRAND, we take advantage of the properties of the likelihood function and develop an efficient method, which identifies the most likely error vectors without computing and ordering all likelihood values.Comment: 16 double-column pages, 10 figures, 1 table. Extended version of paper presented at IEEE ISIT 2022. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Decoding probability analysis of network-coded data collection and delivery by relay drones

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    Relay drones in delay-tolerant applications are dispatched to remote locations in order to gather data transmitted by a source node. Collected data are stored on the drones and delivered to one or multiple bases. This paper considers two schemes for broadcasting data to drones when feedback channels are not available: a data carousel and systematic random linear network coding (RLNC). We propose a theoretical framework for the calculation of the probability that a base will fully or partially recover the transmitted data and the probability that all involved bases will successfully obtain the data, when the bases are either isolated or interconnected. Theoretical results are validated through simulations. Design considerations are also discussed, including the relationship among the field size used by RLNC, the number of relay drones and the requirement for full data recovery or the retrieval of at least part of the data